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"Jax" (Red collar)
Male Born on May 1st at 5:05 PM

"Harley" (Red with stripes collar)
Male Born on May 1st at 5:34 PM

"Bleu" (Blue Collar)
Male Born on May 1st at 6:36 PM

"Drake" (Blue with stripes collar)
Male Born on May 1st at 6:59 PM

"Moose" (Black collar)
Male Born on May 1st at 7:56 PM

"Nelli" (Pink Collar)
Female Born on May 1st at 9:52 PM

"Tilly" (Pink with stripes collar)
Female Born on May 1st at 11:34 PM

"Winnie" (Purple Collar)
Female Born on May 2nd at 12:34 AM
Picking Order
1. Aaron D. (Bleu)
2. Mike D. (Moose)
3. Doug L. (Drake)
4. Joanne W. (Jax)
5. Debbie C. (Harley)
1. Heather R. (Tilly)
2. Jonathan K. (Nelli)
3. John C. (Winnie)
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